
Kinesiology is a scientific study of human or non-human body movement. The word comes from the Greek, kinesis, "movement" (itself from kinein, "to move") and logia, "study".

Kinesiology is a scientific study of human or non-human body movement. The word comes from the Greek, kinesis, "movement" (itself from kinein, "to move") and logia, "study". Adaptation through exercise is a key principle of kinesiology that relates to improved health and wellness. Exercise is a simple and established intervention for many movement disorders and musculoskeletal conditions due to the neuroplasticity of the brain.Therapeutic exercise has been shown to improve neuromotor control and motor capabilities in both normal and pathological populations. There are many different types of exercise interventions that can be applied in kinesiology. Aerobic exercise interventions help to improve cardiovascular endurance. Anaerobic strength training programs can increase muscular strength. Flexibility programs can increase functional range of motion and reduce the risk of injury. As a whole, exercise programs can reduce symptoms of depression and risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Also, they can help to improve quality of life, sleeping habits, immune system function.