Tri Mala

Mala are the waste matter or substances that are excreted out of the body. Mala represents the by-products resulting from the physiological and metabolic activities going inside the body.

Mala are the waste matter or substances that are excreted out of the body. Mala represents the by-products resulting from the physiological and metabolic activities going inside the body. Elimination of the malas in an effective way is important for maintenance of good health. Ayurveda consider three major class of malas:

  • Purish (Stool)
  • Mutra (Urine)
  • Sweda (Sweat)

As a result of metabolic processes carried out in the body, essence of ingested food and waste products are constantly formed. If waste products are not being formed besides the essence of food that nourish tissues, the metabolic process would be impaired ultimately leading to malformation of tissues. Malas are the waste products of the body and their proper excretion is essential so that the health of the individual can be maintained because if the waste products are not thrown out of the body they can accumulate as bodily toxins.