Tri Dosha

Tridosha is the combination of three basic principles of energy or biological humors, Vata, Pitta and Kapha which according to Ayurveda orchestrate a personas physiological and mental functions, including metabolism and mind/body type.

Tridosha is the combination of three basic principles of energy or biological humors, Vata, Pitta and Kapha which according to Ayurveda orchestrate a person’s physiological and mental functions, including metabolism and mind/body type. The three bio-elements are always fluctuating in the body, they are highly unstable and changes with day and night, season, age, climate, sentiments and with food. One of the central concepts of Ayurveda is that health exists when there is a balance between this three fundamental bodily bio-elements called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

  • Vata (airy element). It is characterised by properties of dry, cold, light, minute, and movement. All movement in the body is due to vata.
  • Pitta is the fiery element fire that direct digestion and enhance metabolism. It is characterised by hotness, moist, liquid, sharp and sour, its chief quality is heat.
  • Kapha is the watery element, it is characterised by heaviness, cold, tenderness, softness, slowness, lubrication. It is the nourishing element of the body, it plays an important role in immunity, taste perception, joint nourishment and lubrication.