Relaxation Techniques for Busy People

Based on the book "Meditation for Busy People. Stress-beating Strategies to Calm Your Life" this three hours event offers simple strategies to reduce tension, minimize chronic stress, and quickly relax and unwind.

Based on the book "Meditation for Busy People. Stress-beating Strategies to Calm Your Life" this three hours event offers simple strategies to reduce tension, minimize chronic stress, and quickly relax and unwind. Nobody needs to relax more than people who have no time to relax! 
Alessandro facilitates the event. Alessandro was trained at the OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune, India ( Here he has worked and facilitated the OSHO active meditations. He lately brought his experience in Italy, Brazil, Croatia and Ukraine where has worked in many groups for awareness and relaxation. He is an OSHO® No-Mind Meditative Therapy Facilitator and gives sessions of Japanese Facial Massage helping people to recognize and allow the natural flow of their inner energy. 
Alessandro runs today the OSHO Information Center of Trieste (Italy). During the event we will experience together a number of techniques to be used in your everyday life in order to relax and become more aware of what you do and of who you are. Whenever you want and without renounce to your modern style of life! 
The experience of the proposed techniques is integrated with an OSHO active meditation and with the use of the art of listening technique. The use of Osho talks help us to learn how to listen rightly bringing us the deepest secret of meditation that is the opportunity to experience silence with no effort.